How Often Should You Clean Your Home’s Windows?

Windows play a very important part in providing natural light, ventilation, and a view of the outside world. However, they can also become dirty and smudged over time, which can make them less effective and less aesthetically pleasing.

What Factors Determine the Frequency of Window Cleaning?

Clean, crystal-clear windows allow more light in, offer a clearer view of the world, and instantly brighten up a room. But how often should you tackle this chore? The answer depends on a few factors which are listed below.

The Climate

If you live in a dusty or wet climate, your windows will need to be cleaned more often than if you live in a drier climate.

The Type of Windows You Have

Double-pane windows are less likely to get dirty than single-pane windows, and they can be easier to clean because they don’t have to be opened.

How Often You Open Your Windows

If you open your windows frequently, they will need to be cleaned more often.

Your Personal Preferences

Some people prefer to clean their windows every week, while others only do it once or twice a year.

Location, Location, Location

Urban Dwellers: City living means more dust, grime, and pollution. Plan on cleaning your windows every 2-4 weeks to keep them looking their best.

Rural Homes: While less exposed to city grime, rural areas often see a buildup of pollen, dust, and even bird droppings. Aim for quarterly cleanings in the spring, summer, fall, and winter.

Coastal Homes: Salt spray and sand are the enemies of sparkling windows. Expect to clean them every 1-2 weeks during the warm months, and at least monthly during the winter.

Lifestyle and Habits

Active Families: If you have children and pets running around, dust and fingerprints are inevitable. Expect to clean windows every 2-3 weeks to keep them looking clean.

Minimalist Homes: If you’re a neat freak who dusts regularly, you might only need to clean windows quarterly or even just once a year.

Window Material

Glass: Standard glass windows require regular cleaning, while special coatings might require less frequent maintenance. Refer to manufacturer instructions for specific cleaning recommendations.

Vinyl or Aluminum Windows: These materials are generally low-maintenance, but still benefit from a regular cleaning to ensure they function properly and look their best.

Holidays and Special Events

Seasonal Cleanings: A deep clean before or after each season is a good idea to remove accumulated dirt and grime. This involves cleaning both sides of the window and the window frame.

Special Occasions: Before hosting a party or welcoming guests, a quick window clean can make a big difference in the overall look and feel of your home.

Generally speaking, it is a good idea to clean your home’s windows at least once a month. This will help to keep them looking clean and clear, and it will also help to prevent dirt and grime from building up. If you have double-pane windows, you may only need to clean them every few months. However, if you have single-pane windows or if you live in a dusty or wet climate, you may need to clean them more often. Ultimately, one of the best ways to determine how often you need to clean your windows is to simply assess their condition. If they look dirty or hazy, it’s time for a cleaning!

If you would like to learn more about how often you should clean your windows, contact our professional window cleaning team at ClearPro today!

Do Dirty Windows Hold Allergens?

Windows are a crucial part of any home, providing natural light, ventilation, and a view of the outside world. However, dirty windows can also become a breeding ground for allergens that can trigger respiratory problems and other health issues.

How Do Dirty Windows Hold Allergens?

Dirt and Dust

Dirty windows accumulate dirt, dust, and other particles from the outside air. These particles can contain allergens such as pollen, mold spores, and pet dander.

Mold Growth

Condensation on dirty windows can lead to mold growth, which can release allergens into the air.

Dead Insects

Insects often become trapped in dirty windows, and their decaying bodies can attract allergens and bacteria.

Air Pollution: Dirty windows can prevent fresh air from entering the home, allowing indoor air pollution to accumulate. This pollution can include allergens such as dust mites, pet dander, and cigarette smoke.

Health Effects of Allergens

Allergens can trigger a variety of health symptoms, including:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Itchy eyes and nose
  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Asthma attacks

Preventing Allergens in Windows

To prevent allergens from accumulating in windows, follow these tips:

Clean windows regularly

Use a microfiber cloth and a mild cleaning solution to wipe down windows both inside and out.

Open windows often

Allow fresh air to circulate throughout the home and reduce indoor air pollution.

Install air purifiers

Air purifiers can help remove allergens from the air, including those that accumulate on windows.

Use window screens

Window screens prevent insects from entering the home and becoming trapped in windows.

Avoid painting windows

Paint can trap allergens and make it difficult to clean windows effectively.

Additional Tips for Allergic Individuals

If you have allergies, consider the following additional tips:

  • Keep windows closed during high pollen seasons.
  • Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to remove allergens from carpets and upholstery.
  • Wash bedding in hot water regularly.
  • Limit the use of scented products, such as air fresheners and candles.

So, there you have it, dirty windows can indeed house allergens. That said, if you follow our suggestions, you should be able to mitigate the risk of allergen accumulation in your home’s windows. This in turn, leads to a safer and healthier space for you and your loved ones.

Moreover, keep in mind that you should try to clean your windows on a regular basis, while utilizing other methods to reduce air pollution inside your home. As such, you can maintain a healthier and more comfortable living space for both you and your family.

If you have questions about how dirty windows can hold allergens, contact our expert team of window cleaners at ClearPro today.

How to Avoid Hiring the Wrong Window Cleaning Company

Clean windows are a great way to brighten up your home, showcase your business and even improve your mood. But finding the right window cleaning company can feel like a daunting task. You don’t want to end up with streaks, damage, or worse…a company that disappears with your money.

Here’s how to avoid hiring the wrong window cleaning company and ensure sparkling, streak-free windows

Research and Recommendations

Online Reviews

Check websites like Yelp, Google Reviews, and Angie’s List for customer feedback. Look for consistent positive reviews and steer clear of companies with numerous complaints.

Word of Mouth

Ask friends, family, and neighbors for recommendations. Personal experience is often the most reliable source.

Professional Organizations

Check if the company is a member of professional organizations like the Window Cleaning Association or the International Window Cleaning Association. This indicates a commitment to industry standards and ethical practices.

Get Detailed Quotes and Contracts

Don’t Settle for Estimates

You should require that any company you are considering, send you a detailed and itemized quote for the services you’re seeking, the pricing and any other fees associated with the work.

Clear Contracts

It’s always a good idea to obtain a written contract for the work to be performed. Why? That’s because a good written contract will clearly specify the scope of work, turnaround time, terms of payment and warranty and/or insurance information, if applicable.

Compare Quotes

It’s also wise to get quotes from multiple companies to compare pricing, services, and overall value. Don’t just choose the cheapest option – quality and reliability matter more.

Check Qualifications and Insurance


Ask about the company’s experience and the qualifications of their cleaners. Look for experience with different types of windows (single-pane, multi-pane, skylights, etc.) and a commitment to ongoing training.


It’s a good idea to verify that the window cleaning company you are considering carries general liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance. In this way, you can be assured that you are financially protected from potential accidents or property damage.


Confirm whether your state, city or town requires window cleaners to be licensed.

Ask the Right Questions

Cleaning Methods

Ask about their cleaning methods and solutions. Do they use environmentally friendly products? Are they comfortable cleaning hard-to-reach windows or high-rises?


Inquire about the equipment they use. Are they using high-quality squeegees, brushes, and water-fed poles?


Ask how they handle communication. Can you reach someone easily if you need to adjust the schedule or address an issue?

Trust Your Gut


Pay attention to how the company communicates with you. Are they responsive, polite, and professional? Do they take time to understand your needs and answer your questions?


Consider the appearance of the company’s website, social media presence, and staff. A well-presented company often reflects a professional approach to their work.

Red Flags to Watch Out For

Unusually Low Prices

Be wary of companies that offer dramatically lower prices compared to their competitors. This could indicate a lack of quality or potential shortcuts.

High-Pressure Sales Tactics

Avoid going with companies that pressure you into a decision or use aggressive sales tactics that make you feel uncomfortable.

Lack of Transparency

If a company is hesitant to provide detailed quotes, contracts, or insurance information, it’s time to move on.

Hiring a window cleaning company should be a straightforward process. By following these steps, you can avoid common pitfalls and find a reliable, trustworthy company that will deliver sparkling clean windows and peace of mind. Remember, the right company will be your partner in ensuring your windows are looking their best.

If you would like to learn more about how to avoid hiring the wrong window cleaning company, contact our trustworthy window cleaning team today.


Should you Hire a Professional Window Cleaning Company or a Maid Service?

When it comes to maintaining a clean and beautiful home, it can be difficult to decide between professional window cleaning company and a maid/housecleaning service. Of course, both offer unique benefits, but understanding the differences between the two can help you decide which is best for your home.

Professional Window Cleaning

Professional window cleaning services focus specifically on keeping your windows clean and streak-free. By using specialized equipment and cleaning solutions, professional window cleaning technicians, who themselves should be very experienced in cleaning windows, can effectively remove dirt, grime, and water stains from your windows, leaving them sparkling and clear. It goes without saying that professional window cleaning services can truly enhance the overall appearance of your home and allow more natural light to enter, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere.

Maid Service

Another commonly thought about option is, of course, hiring a maid or housecleaning service. Maid/housecleaning services are not focused on solely cleaning your windows, such that maids or housecleaners will divide their time, effort and attention to doing other things as well, which include dusting off furniture, vacuuming carpets, cleaning bathrooms and other rooms of your home. Also keep in mind that a maid/housecleaning service usually lacks the specialized equipment and technical experience to clean windows as thoroughly as a professional window cleaning service.

Which Service Should You Get?

The decision between professional window cleaning and a maid/housecleaning service ultimately depends on your particular needs and preferences. If your top priority is the cleanliness and appearance of your windows, hiring a professional window cleaning service may be the best choice for you. However, if you instead wish for a more comprehensive cleaning of your entire home, including windows, where the windows do not have to be spotless, then hiring a maid/housecleaning service could prove to be a better fit.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of hiring a professional window cleaning company, rather than a maid/housecleaning service, contact our experienced window cleaning team at ClearPro today.

5 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring a Professional Window Cleaning Company

Are you thinking about hiring a local window cleaning company? Well, that’s one step in the right direction in terms of improving the curb appeal of you home and the longevity of your windows.

That said, there are definitely a number of questions you should ask of any prospective window cleaning company before you hire them. Why? That’s because without asking the right questions up front, you won’t really know if you’re about to hire a window cleaning company who is reliable, excellent at what they do and perhaps most importantly, honest.

So, without further ado, here are 6 questions we think you should ask window cleaning companies to determine if they are the best fit for you.

Are They Insured?

This one may seem pretty obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people won’t think to ask this very important question. Why? If, during the course of cleaning your windows, your property is damaged, or a window cleaning technician is injured, you can avoid a costly surprise when the professional window cleaning company you hire, has liability insurance coverage. In fact, ClearPro not only carries $2 million in general liability coverage, but we also have 2 riders that insure against property damage from us moving things and against any property damage, should it occur, from the work we perform.

Are their Window Cleaning Technicians Background Checked and Bonded?

It matters who you let onto your property and interact with. That is why you should always ask whether the technicians of any window cleaning companies you are considering, have had their backgrounds checked and covered by a dishonesty bond. At ClearPro, we only hire technicians who have been background checked and we also have each bonded for up to $10,000. That way, you can have feel at ease knowing that you’ve done your due diligence.

Do they have Excellent Reviews?

Google (BBB, Yelp and other social media channels) reviews are a convenient way to help determine whether or not the window cleaning company you are considering hiring is good or bad. If they don’t have any reviews, then they may be a new company or perhaps changed their company name to avoid being found out as less than reliable/desirable.

How Long Have They Been in Business?

Generally speaking, most people feel more comfortable knowing that a company they’ve hired, has been around for a long time. For example, if you are considering 2 window cleaning companies, who both have about the same number of 5-star Google reviews, but one has been around for 20 years and the other just 1 year, many people would feel more comfortable hiring the 20 year old company. This off course assumes that both companies have a great reputation (reviews) as well.

Do They Have a Satisfaction Guarantee?

It’s important to ask if the window company you are considering guarantees their work. That’s because if they do a rushed job such that your windows have streaks, you want to know that they will make it right. At ClearPro, all of our work is backed by a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

We Make Hiring Professional Window Cleaners Easy

When it comes to hiring someone to clean your windows, ClearPro makes it easy. We will be more than happy to answer all of the above questions and more.

If you need a professional window cleaning company in the North Phoenix, Scottsdale area to clean your home or business’ windows, call the pros at ClearPro today.

How to Clean Your Skylights

To take advantage of our approximately 300 days of sunshine that comes from living in the Valley of the Sun, many homebuilders have incorporated skylights in the kitchens, hallways and even bathrooms of their floorplans.

Skylights not only bring additional natural light into certain areas of a home, they also create a greater ambience and enhance a home’s value.

That said, just as with any window in your home, for skylights to look and perform their best, they should be cleaned and checked for any wear and tear, on a regular basis. The problem for most homeowners is that skylights are difficult to clean because of their elevated location.

So, without further ado, here are a few skylight maintenance tips we recommend as it pertains to how to clean your skylights.

Clean Dust, Dirt and Other Debris from Exterior Surfaces

It’s should come as no surprise that skylights are notorious for their accumulation of dust, dirt and debris. That is because skylights are cut through the roof of a home and face upward into the sky. As such, Monsoon rain, bird droppings, dirt, dust and environmental debris (e.g. from leaves and tree branches) can collect on the skylight’s external glass or plexiglass surface.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended that along with your home’s windows, you have your skylights cleaned on a regular basis.

Clean Dust, Dirt and Other Debris from Interior Surfaces

Did you know that the interior surface of skylights should be cleaned regularly? That is because dust, dirt and grime can also accumulate on the skylight’s interior surface. So, to avoid any potential damage of obscuring of light transmission, it is wise to main a clean interior surface for skylights.

Cleaning Various Types of Skylight Materials

As mentioned earlier, skylights can utilize glass or plastic (acrylic) in their design. Plastic tends to scratch more easily that glass, so it’s important to know which you are cleaning before hand.

Check Your Skylights for Damage

Before, cleaning your skylights, you should have a qualified professional examine them to assess their condition. That’s because you should know whether or not they are leaking, due to cracks or holes, and then determine if they need to be repaired or replaced. No sense in cleaning your skylight if you determine they need to be replaced, right?

Hire Professional Window Cleaners

Hiring a team of trust window cleaning professionals is the best way to effectively and safely clean your skylights. That’s because window cleaning professionals have the experience, training and proper equipment to do the job correctly.

If you would like to know more about cleaning your skylights the right way, contact the Arizona window cleaning pros at ClearPro today!

What is the difference between Pressure Washing and Power Washing?

Pressure washing and power washing are quite often used interchangeably by many people. That is probably because both methods utilize highly pressurized, jet stream of water to more effectively remove and deep clean, stubborn dirt, stains and other debris from windows and outdoor surfaces such as pavers and concrete. On commercial grade cleaning equipment, the motorized air pump can drive pressures up to 4000 psi!

That said, the distinguishing factor between the two cleaning methods is that power washing uses very hot water (high temp), whereas pressure washing does not.

Which is better, Pressure Washing or Power Washing?

With its high temp jet stream of water, power washing can be more effective for removing stubborn contaminants, such as oil and grease, from concrete and paver outdoor surfaces, such as driveways and patios. However, for most residential and commercial applications, pressure washing is generally the more popular choice.

That is because pressure washing tends to be less harsh on surfaces than power washing.

Should You Power Wash or Pressure Wash an Epoxy Coated Garage Floor?

If you are planning to have an epoxy coated garage floor cleaned, the high temperature water from power washing could damage or weaken the epoxy’s adhesive. Moreover, special care and technique must be taken even when using a pressure washer, to clean an epoxy floor due to the highly pressurized water. That is why it is best to hire an experienced professional.

The Benefits of Pressure Washing

The appearance of your home has a significant impact on its value, particularly the exterior of your home, often referred to as “curb appeal”, that is viewed by the public.

So, it makes perfect sense that keeping your home’s windows, walkways, driveway and patio free from the build-up of dirt, grime and other environmental contaminants, such as bird droppings, is key.

That is why pressure washing on an ongoing basis can not only keep your home looking its very best, but it can help to mitigate potential damage from an accumulation of unsightly debris.

Hiring a professional to pressure wash your windows, driveway, patio and any other exterior surface can also save you time and energy. Who wants to spend hours in the Arizona sun, scrubbing and washing by hand, your windows and concrete or paver driveway and patio? You have better things to do with your time, right?

At ClearPro of Arizona, we value your time, money and home. Let us come to your home or office, to professionally pressure wash your windows and/or other exterior surfaces including walkways, driveway and patio.


Why Do My Windows Have Streaks or Smearing After Cleaning?

Windows should be regularly cleaned for a number of reasons.

For one, it is to remove any dirt, grime and other debris, such as bird droppings, that could otherwise cause long-term damage.

And second, to make your windows’ glass sparkle with crystal clear clarity, which not only enhances your home’s appearance, but, lets more natural light in to your home. Clean windows also increase your visibility to your outdoor surroundings.

So, perhaps, someone you’ve hired, has just finished cleaning your home’s windows. Or maybe you’ve finished cleaning them yourself. Either way, you now notice that there is some streaking or smearing on your windows. Therefore, you might be wondering, what gives?

5 Reasons Why Your Windows may have Streaking or Smearing

There are several common reasons why, after cleaning your windows, streaking and smearing might occur.

Window Cleaning Residue

Despite using the proper window cleaning solutions and tools, streaking can still occur when very small remnants of dirt, grime and dust, are left behind from the window cleaning process. When these residual particles, combined with a window cleaning agent, dry, they can create a cloudy film that dries on the glass surface.

Poor Window Cleaning Technique

Utilizing improper technique (e.g. wiping in a circular motion or failing to wipe from one direction), when cleaning windows is a very common reason why streaking and smears can occur. That is why it is best to hire an experienced and well-trained, professional window cleaner, who knows how to correctly clean windows.

Incorrect Mix of Cleaning Solution

Window streaking or smearing can occur when the cleaning solution used has too much detergent or cleaning agent in it, making it more prone to leaving a soapy residue behind. In an area like the Phoenix, Arizona metro area, we have hard water, which contains a greater concentration of calcium and magnesium. As such, hard water is more likely to cause glass streaking.

Dirty Window Cleaning Tools

If you or a window cleaner you hire, uses a dirty, or  worn out squeegee, this can lead to a residual film being left behind. Additionally, using a cloth and/or paper towel, rather than a clean, good quality squeegee, to dry your windows will also make it difficult to have streak-free and smear-free, windows.

High Outside Temperatures and Direct Sunlight

High outside temperatures, along with direct sunlight on recently cleaned windows, can result in window cleaning solution drying out too rapidly. When this happens, window streaking and smearing can occur.

How Clear Pro Can Give You Streak Free Windows

Making your windows look their very best with streak-free glass is no easy task. That is why ClearPro is your best choice.

With our experienced and skilled, window cleaning technicians, together with the use of properly mixed cleaning solution and the right window cleaning tools, you can be rest assured that we’ll leave your windows crystal clear, sparkling clean, streak and smear-free.

If you’re tired of streaky and smeared windows, call ClearPro today at 480-459-5644 to reach our Scottsdale and Phoenix window cleaning professionals.




5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional Window Cleaner Rather Than DIY Window Cleaning

As a proud homeowner, at some point, you will need to have your windows cleaned. The question is whether you should try to clean your windows yourself (DIY) or should you instead, hire a professional window cleaning company.

While some homeowners believe that DIY window cleaning will save them money, that is not always the case, and more importantly, there are other issues here at play.

So, without further adieu, here are 5 good reasons why you should hire a professional window cleaner.


Time is definitely something that we all need more of. That said, how valuable is your time? Well, for one thing, cleaning all the windows in your home can be a very time-consuming task, particularly if you have a larger home with many windows. And, after finishing a 5-day work week, do you really want to waste an entire day or so of your weekend, attempting to clean all of the windows of your home?


When it comes to cleaning the windows of your home, your safety is definitely something worth considering. When you attempt to clean your home’s windows yourself, you could literally get killed, if you fall off of a ladder, trying to reach windows that are higher up. Cleaning windows SAFELY, requires extensive training and experience. It’s just not something you should take lightly and it’s definitely not worth risking your health and safety over.


As mentioned earlier, there is an inherent safety risk involved when cleaning a home’s windows. But, if you do decide to clean your home’s windows anyway and get seriously injured, you’ll likely end up with costly medical bills to pay, and possibly lost wages from being unable to work.

DIY window cleaning can also result in damage to your windows, since you won’t have the proper equipment and training.

So, if you’re considering cleaning your windows yourself, it can end up costing you a lot more than you think.

Training and Experience

As mentioned earlier, window cleaning requires training and experience. Most homeowners simply won’t have either. Thus, any attempt to DIY window clean is literally asking for trouble. To be good at any job, takes training and years of experience. Window cleaning is no different. In fact, window cleaning can be quite a dangerous job and as such, is best left to experienced and well-trained window cleaning professionals.


Properly cleaning your home’s windows requires the use of the appropriate equipment. It’s not just a matter of using a bottle of window cleaning spray and some paper towels.

Professional window cleaners utilize specialized, professional window cleaning equipment such as a pressure washer.

And operating professional window cleaning equipment means that you will need to have the proper training and experience. Otherwise, you could injure yourself and damage your home’s windows.

Are you ready to call us?

When it comes to safely and effectively cleaning your home’s windows, don’t take any unnecessary risks.

Call 480-459-5644 to reach the Scottsdale and Phoenix metro window cleaning professionals at ClearPro today!

Why Get Professional Solar Panel Cleaning for Your Commercial Building?

With the continued advancements in sustainable energy, more and more commercial property owners have opted to install solar panels. That’s because they see the value in solar panels as a viable option for not only reducing energy costs, but for making a positive contribution to the environment.

However, did you know that the efficiency of solar panels can degrade over time, due to the accumulation of dust, grime, and other debris? This in turn, can significantly reduce the cost saving benefits from solar panel usage.

Benefits of Professional Solar Panel Cleaning

As a leading, professional window cleaning company in the Phoenix/Scottsdale metro area, ClearPro understands the importance of keeping your solar panels clean to maximize their efficient production of energy while reducing energy costs.

Here are just a few excellent reasons why you should hire ClearPro to clean your Solar Panels:

Improves Efficiency

The fact is, when your solar panels are clean, they are able to more efficiently absorb sunlight, which can then be converted into usable electricity.

Dirty solar panel surfaces reduce the amount of sunlight that can reach the solar cells. Less sunlight reaching the solar cells means less converted, energy (electricity) for your commercial building to use.

Professionally cleaning your solar panels on a regular basis ensures that your solar panels can work at peak performance, thereby maximizing the amount of sunlight that can be absorbed through them.

Extends Lifespan

Over the months and years, your solar panel can accumulate dirt, bird waste and other debris, that can cause corrosion of your solar panels. This in turn, can result in irreversible damage to your solar panels, thus reducing it’s useful life and leading to costly repair and/or replacement of parts.

Protects Your Investment

Professional cleaning not only removes such harmful residues from your solar panels, it also helps to mitigate your long-term operational costs, thereby protecting your investment. The bottom line, professional solar panel cleaning is good for your bottom line.

Is It Time to Clean Your Panels?

When was the last time, you had your building’s solar panels professionally cleaned?

Can’t remember? Several years ago? Never?

If you answered yes, to any of the above, we highly recommend that you contact our solar panel and window cleaning team at ClearPro to get your solar panels cleaned on a regular schedule. In so doing, your solar panels should be operating at their peak capacity, thus maximizing the savings on your electricity bill while doing your part in creating a more sustainable future.